NU-Cut Wood Products, LLC

NU-Cut Wood Products, LLC

“NU-Cut Wood Products, LLC” is a company that sells wooden toys! The company states that their wooden toys proudly made in America. These are really quality toys. They are made produced since 1975. They are made to last the test of time… Children can play with them on a daily basis and still they will last for generations to come!

The company’s kits are Pre-Cut, grooved, pre-drilled and numbered. Moreover, they come with free support in case the customer has questions during the entire process from assembly through finishing. Of course that includes a lot of years in case you decide to make decorating changes. These products are an excellent investment for now and for the future.

The company has decided to provide an exclusive line of products to retail stores and web stores for the 2014 season. The items are extremely affordable while they have premium quality. They have thousands of cherished customers to confirm that. The owner of the company is trying to produce an affordable product while maintaining the high quality of every single item. The company’s history really reflects their commitment to the extreme quality and the care for their customer. There you will see with your own eyes how amazingly unique and special they are. They are the best choice for a thoughtful and unpredictable gift for your kids…

Available Toys

  • Wooden Toys


11089 South 2700 West
South Jordan, UT 84095

Locate “NU-Cut Wood Products, LLC” on a map:






Frank Martin


Under Construction…


Why is "NU-Cut Wood Products, LLC" featured on

Our site is dedicated to finding, cataloguing and categorizing all the companies that make toys in the U.S.A. We have a passion about toys of all kinds which are made in America, that in most cases are of superior quality to the Chinese or made-somewhere-in-Asia equivalent ones.

In this page we are presenting the company called "NU-Cut Wood Products, LLC". This company is based in Utah in the U.S.A. and claims to sell toys that belong to the following categories: “Wooden Toys”. Please keep in mind that we are not in any way affiliated with this company (or any other company featured on, and we are not being paid to feature them on our site. We simply discovered that "NU-Cut Wood Products, LLC" is based in the U.S.A. and we decided to write about them on our site. Every single one of the companies you will find in this site are also American and claim to manufacture their toys on the United States.

Because we have never come in any direct contact with "NU-Cut Wood Products, LLC", we don't really know if it is really in operation or if they DO sell USA made toys. By using our services you agree to our terms of use and our privacy policy. In a few words:

  • We are not responsible for errors or omissions on the contents of and we cannot be held responsible for any damages that may occur from it.
  • We are not responsible for the content or the quality of information of other websites that are linked on this website.
  • We cannot guarantee you that all toys (or parts of them) that are produced by companies featured in this are solely produced in the USA. Please do your own research before purchasing any of them.
  • We cannot guarantee you about the quality of toys sold by these companies. Do your own research!
  • We are not paid by any of these companies to feature them on our site.
  • Advertisements on this Website (from Google or other advertisers) may include toys which are not made in the USA.

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If you have found any errors or want to submit a new U.S.A. company (that makes toys of course!) or want to talk to us about anything, please use our contact form.

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