A Rocking Horse To Love

A Rocking Horse To Love

Do you like rocking horses? Are you a rocking toy enthusiast? Well, this is the place for you! “A Rocking horse to love” is a company that sells amazing, fun rocking horses! This toy will become your kid’s most beloved companion. Your little ones will really cherish these marvelous toys. You can choose between plush rockets, wooden rockets or even rockets for toddlers or personalized rockets.

You can find the company’s products offline and online! If you visit their well informed web page you will enjoy an amazing shopping experience. The owners of the business have only one mission. They want to really help every single customer to find the perfect toy for their kid. The customer service is really friendly and personal. They are really proud to help every individual parent and grandparent make their little ones happy!

Moreover, there is a 100& satisfaction and low price guarantee. The company is proud to guarantee that you will receive your rocker at the best condition and at the lowest price possible! The prices are really reasonable. You can order online or you can make your order by telephone. Their mission is to make you happy. Visit their web store for an enjoyable experience!!!

Available Toys

  • Natural Wood Horses
  • Painted Wood Horses
  • Wood Rocking Animals
  • Plush Rocking Horses
  • Plush Rocking Dogs
  • Plush Rocking Animals
  • Toddler Rocking Toys
  • Rocking Vehicles
  • Specialty Rockers
  • Personalized Rockers
  • Folding Rockers
  • Rocking Chairs
  • Matching Furniture

Shipping Cost:

  • Free shipping for orders over $60
  • For orders from $30 to $60, shipping fee is $6.95
  • For orders under $30, shipping fee is $4.95


Canadian Address (Head Office): 
800-15355 24th Avenue
Suite 322
Surrey, BC, Canada
V4A 2H9
U.S. Address: 
477 Peace Portal Dr. Ste 107-222
Blaine, WA, U.S.A.

Locate “A Rocking Horse To Love” on a map:

Canadian Address (Head Office): 

U.S. Address: 


1-877-703-2613 (toll free)


The WebSite is not anymore available.
You can find a copy of the site at: www.a-rocking-horse-to-love.com



Why is "A Rocking Horse To Love" featured on www.USAmadeToys.net?

Our site www.usamadetoys.net is dedicated to finding, cataloguing and categorizing all the companies that make toys in the U.S.A. We have a passion about toys of all kinds which are made in America, that in most cases are of superior quality to the Chinese or made-somewhere-in-Asia equivalent ones.

In this page we are presenting the company called "A Rocking Horse To Love". This company is based in Washington in the U.S.A. and claims to sell toys that belong to the following categories: “Furniture & Decor”, “Plush”, “Vehicles - Riding”, “Wooden Toys”. Please keep in mind that we are not in any way affiliated with this company (or any other company featured on usamadetoys.net), and we are not being paid to feature them on our site. We simply discovered that "A Rocking Horse To Love" is based in the U.S.A. and we decided to write about them on our site. Every single one of the companies you will find in this site are also American and claim to manufacture their toys on the United States.

Because we have never come in any direct contact with "A Rocking Horse To Love", we don't really know if it is really in operation or if they DO sell USA made toys. By using our services you agree to our terms of use and our privacy policy. In a few words:

  • We are not responsible for errors or omissions on the contents of www.usamadetoys.net and we cannot be held responsible for any damages that may occur from it.
  • We are not responsible for the content or the quality of information of other websites that are linked on this website.
  • We cannot guarantee you that all toys (or parts of them) that are produced by companies featured in this www.usamadetoys.net are solely produced in the USA. Please do your own research before purchasing any of them.
  • We cannot guarantee you about the quality of toys sold by these companies. Do your own research!
  • We are not paid by any of these companies to feature them on our site.
  • Advertisements on this Website (from Google or other advertisers) may include toys which are not made in the USA.

Found any errors? Do you want to submit new information or a new company?

If you have found any errors or want to submit a new U.S.A. company (that makes toys of course!) or want to talk to us about anything, please use our contact form.

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