Replogle Globes (Herff Jones)

Replogle Globes (Herff Jones)

“Replogle Globes” is a company located in Indianapolis, Indiana that manufactures globes. It is one of world’s largest globe producers, based out of Chicago since 1930. Herff Jones is the owner of the business that makes these amazing, unique products that are loved by people in all around the world.

The company makes globes that show places and people, time and space, future and past. There is a huge selection of products available, from handcrafted masterpieces to classic models that are used for educational purposes in the classrooms of the schools in America. Their globes help kids and adults to discover the places of our world and to gain better perspective of lands, borders, history and ideas. The pieces are really exceptional. The variety is huge! The company currently makes over one hundred models. They even manufacture maps and geography games!

You can visit the company’s web page in order to explore the options you have in the models. You can find here the Diplomat model, the Finley, the Lafayette, the Colonial, the Auburn, the Kingston, the Freedom, the Treasury, the Franklin and so much more! You really have to check out their web site now! Of course, the site is a marvel for all globe enthusiasts. However, even if do not are interested in globes, you will be thrilled by the exceptional models. The quality is obvious even in the photos. In the website you will find an easy-to-use store locator that will help you discover the exact places that these miracles are found. The company really makes the world come closer… This is an amazing opportunity to obtain a piece that is durable and that will be near you forever. The globes will last for generations to come. Your grandchildren will cherish them. Buy one amazing, quality globe now!!!

Available Toys



4719 West 62nd St
Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 USA

Locate “Replogle Globes (Herff Jones)” on a map:

Store Hours:

Monday – Friday: 8:30AM – 5:00PM






Herff Jones



Why is "Replogle Globes (Herff Jones)" featured on

Our site is dedicated to finding, cataloguing and categorizing all the companies that make toys in the U.S.A. We have a passion about toys of all kinds which are made in America, that in most cases are of superior quality to the Chinese or made-somewhere-in-Asia equivalent ones.

In this page we are presenting the company called "Replogle Globes (Herff Jones)". This company is based in Indiana in the U.S.A. and claims to sell toys that belong to the following categories: “Educational” and “Science & Nature”. Please keep in mind that we are not in any way affiliated with this company (or any other company featured on, and we are not being paid to feature them on our site. We simply discovered that "Replogle Globes (Herff Jones)" is based in the U.S.A. and we decided to write about them on our site. Every single one of the companies you will find in this site are also American and claim to manufacture their toys on the United States.

Because we have never come in any direct contact with "Replogle Globes (Herff Jones)", we don't really know if it is really in operation or if they DO sell USA made toys. By using our services you agree to our terms of use and our privacy policy. In a few words:

  • We are not responsible for errors or omissions on the contents of and we cannot be held responsible for any damages that may occur from it.
  • We are not responsible for the content or the quality of information of other websites that are linked on this website.
  • We cannot guarantee you that all toys (or parts of them) that are produced by companies featured in this are solely produced in the USA. Please do your own research before purchasing any of them.
  • We cannot guarantee you about the quality of toys sold by these companies. Do your own research!
  • We are not paid by any of these companies to feature them on our site.
  • Advertisements on this Website (from Google or other advertisers) may include toys which are not made in the USA.

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